Casa Baltimore/Limay Mission Statement

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Casa Baltimore/ Limay is a friendship-city project connecting the peoples of San Juan de Limay, Nicaragua, and the Baltimore, MD, region. We operate within a worldwide network of linked communities in poorer and wealthier nations working toward global justice and peace.

Carrying our work forward cooperatively, we:
* Facilitate travel that touches the heart through in-home visits between Marylanders and Nicaraguans, so that we may learn firsthand about each other’s lives and cultures and develop meaningful friendships.
* Learn and work together for alternatives to corporate globalization, such as sustainable development and fair trade.
* Maintain an equal working partnership between the Baltimore and Limay committees.
* Support community development projects recommended by the Limay committee.
* Promote greater understanding of Nicaragua by providing accurate, first-hand information about its current events and economic and political conditions, to the people in Baltimore and beyond.
* Join hands with other justice and peace organizations, particularly those concerned with Latin American issues and Latino/a immigrants.