Update August 2023
Dear Friends of Nicaragua and San Juan de Limay,
We ask for your support to allow our projects of love and friendship to continue. You are a crucial partner in this endeavor! Here are some ways you can make a difference in Limay:
- A monthly food packet of beans, rice, and other staples for an elderly person. Cost: about $75/year per person, or $25/month for 4 elders with scarce resources (no family with means to help)
- A partial college scholarship. Cost: average $180/year or $15/month for travel and food on the road
- A medical fund for travel to other towns for treatments, and for prescriptions not carried in the clinic. Cost: $5-10per prescription
- A preschool nutrition and education centerfor about 55 children. Our share of the center’s budget:$150/month, to supplement the salaries of the support staff.
Preschool kids - The Phil Mitchell revolving loan fund, which provides microcredit for small businesses and housing repair at the lowest interest rates in the Limay area. Any donation amount increases the fund capital.
Thank you for your faithful support! Your gift is tax-deductible as provided by law.
Our Mission
Casa Baltimore/ Limay is a friendship-city project connecting the peoples of San Juan de Limay, Nicaragua, and the Baltimore, MD, region. We operate within a worldwide network of linked communities in poorer and wealthier nations working toward global justice and peace.
Our Projects and Areas of Focus